Sports & Exercise Leadership

Some of the most powerful words, images and memories in life are related to sports. Sports can prompt normally reserved introverts to behave as raving fanatics and can cause the biggest and bravest among us to shed a tear in moments of triumph or sorry. As our nation’s emphasis on sports and exercise grows, so does the need for qualified sports leadership with sports leaders who can inspire our children, challenge our youth and fulfill the hopes and dreams of institutions and their legions of fans.

We Can Help

  • Recreational league coaches develop effective programs for kids through outstanding “train the trainer” youth leadership offerings
  • High school and college coaches who may be ill-equipped to teach teamwork leadership lessons to the athletes in their charge
  • Teams and coaches at the collegiate level struggling with performance plateaus, by teaching them how to improve team cohesion
  • Administrators and athletic directors needing departmental training on Title IX, achieving goals, and leadership skill building
  • Young athletes, training and teaching them
  • Fitness professionals and anyone in sports related fields who wants to enhance their teaching or performance by improving their understanding and practice of leadership principles
  • Parent groups evaluating and developing the skills, personality and trustworthiness of coaches they will entrust with heavy contact and great influence with their children

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